BNI Ann Arbor West is a group of local business professionals who meet weekly to pass business referrals to each other.  While we use each other’s services within the group, the real power of BNI comes from referring fellow members to other people and businesses in our contact sphere.  Only one business per category is allowed to join, so there is no internal competition for referrals.  Since we are putting our own reputation on the line when we recommend one of our members, we hold all our members to a very high standard.

Early meetings

We know it’s hard to take time out of a workday for a networking meeting, which is why we meet before most people start their business day.
BNI is meant to bring more business in for our members, and they will need time to get all that work done.  That’s why our meetings are Thursday mornings from 7:00-8:30 – designed to give our members plenty of day left to tackle their referrals.

Ann Arbor Networking


Helping Our Members With Their Bottom Line

Closed Business Last 12 Months: $2,099,936BNI Two Million Dollar Chapter